Words about the Writing Spider

“But I don’t want to go among mad people,” Alice remarked.
“Oh, you can’t help that,” said the Cat: “we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.”
“How do you know I’m mad?” said Alice.
“You must be,” said the Cat, “or you wouldn’t have come here.”
(Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Chapter 6)

I write stuff. My job is writing stuff and my hobby is writing stuff. I live in the South but I have roots in New England. I have just finished a draft of an urban fantasy/steampunk novel. I very much enjoyed writing it and someday I wish for it to be Published and Well-Recieved.

My favorite writers are: Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Neil Gaiman, David Foster Wallace, Flannery O’Connor, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Pablo Neruda, Langston Hughes, and assorted and sundry others. I have developed a love for the Dresden Files and art books about collage.

Things I Love: Husband, ferrets, lists, London, playing board games, wine, dark chocolate, going to the movies, blue, silver, my living room, buying books, reading books, writing stuff, making stuff, getting letters in the snailmail, rain, wind, green ink pens, frogs, scope for the imagination, cooking stuff, writing new ideas in my little silver notebook, going places, sushi, very hot tea, pretty paper, owls, baskets, finding new music, secret hideouts, dresses, walking around outside.

Things I Don’t Love: Bad grammar, football, people who throw cigarette butts out the windows of their cars, onions, peppers, the phrase “soup to nuts,” beards on people under the age of 80, mustaches on anybody, guys in tank tops (except…you know, *some* guys can pull it off – usually gay dudes), obsession with celebrity, people who are mean to animals or kids, people with very little personality, not using your turn signal.

Thank you very much for stopping by. Visit often and invite your friends. I am also obsessed with my blog stats and I apparently have two faithful readers.

Photo booth shoot with my sister (middle) and her gf (right).

Top left: supermodels

Top right: silly

Bottom left: normal smiley

Bottom right: Scary (although C thought we said “scared”)


  1. Had to pop by here and say you’ve got another fan up North! I’ve read a few of your other posts and was cracking up re: the danger of getting the mail near the Thug Life compound. And thanks for checking out my blog a little. Yes, crochet rocks. – B

  2. Pingback: Getting Closer to Fine « Elysium Avenue

  3. I believe we are kindred spirits! I loved your Getting Closer To FIne post, almost moved me to tears. Your writing is wonderful and raw and real and I love your likes and I also dislike your dislikes!

    I literally stopped the WordPress video in its tracks because my eyes had wandered onto the Closer to Fine post and I wanted to keep reading! I even tried to scroll down and then realized I was watching a video! I was lost in your words, so I google “The Writing Spider” and voila! found your post. Can’t wait to read more. Thank you for your spirit and personality’s existence in the world.

  4. Found you when I was searching for feedback about JobFox resume writing service; how amazing what I have stumbled upon! Talk about secret hideouts ~ this will be a favorite of mine from now on. I was a virgin to the blog scene…so, thanx for popping my cherry :O)I’m in Northern Virginia close to DC where the job market especially suX. The year-long search for employment has made my headbone weak. Thank you for the creative empowerment…

  5. I found your blog when I took a moment to google the term “asshat” [your blog Asshat Manor]. This term was used to describe a suspect in a crime. I really enjoyed reading some of your emotionally revealing entries.
    You have a great talent to keep even the attention of an ADD freak like me.

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